Shi Shi
October 13, 2002

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I have two preteen girls who are night stalking vampires slowly sucking my brain out, love my husband more every day, and work full time as a marketing director for a small architectural firm where I face senile and some slightly off co-workers daily. BA in Journalism from the University of Southern California. Go Trojans. Declared my major on the day I graduated -- I tend to procrastinate. Have held a myriad of jobs, from advertising, to human and public relations, to marketing for a bank and a moving company - that last was icky. Basically all my jobs have involve making stuff up to convince people to buy whatever you're selling...good training for writing fiction. I have a foul mouth, angsty attitude, and a twisted sense of humor, which leads to problems...although I do play well with others...when I feel like it...

How long have you been writing?

Fan fiction? Since April 2002. Otherwise, since I was 7 or 8, writing amusing letters to friends and stories for school...

Why do you write fan fiction?

I've been reading it for a couple of years now and some stories were really fantastic. However, some were really bad. I thought I could do better. Then a friend told me I should write and I thought "Hey, weenie! You think you can write? Prove it!" So I wrote a story...

Which character is easiest to write for and which hardest?

I think Hoshi and Malcolm are the easiest for me to write. Travis is the most difficult because I've never really gotten a sense of who he is, other than (repeat after me) a boomer. Trip's gotten easier, Phlox is fun, but Jon and T'Pol will still cause me pain on occasion.

If you write ship-fic, tell us why you like that particular ship?

Well, Hoshi and Malcolm are my little het ship thang. They're such opposites, really, and that makes it fun for me. Plus they're cute together, don't you think?

What writing weakness do you think you have? How do you go about correcting this?

Um...extreme verbosity? Haven't been able to correct this, unfortunately...

No, I guess I use the same words over again a lot, although I use a thesaurus, I notice I have particular words and phrasing that I'm just enamored with. (Oops, dangling participle - sorry...) Plus, there's my obvious tendency to ignore a lot of formal writing rules, including not mixing POV, bizarre sentence structure, things like that...oh, and I like starting sentences with the word "and". I seem to like ellipses too much as well. I lurk religiously at the Enterprise Writing Brigade site, trying to absorb the lessons discussed there in order to correct my legion of weaknesses. I fear I'm not a very good student though...

What writing strength do you think you have? How did it come about?

I can turn out a well phrased paragraph on occasion. The only two things that I really don't doubt about my ability are: I can do a mean action sequence and I'm pretty darn good at the angst factor. I see the action in my head and the angst is just a natural gift, bestowed upon me lovingly by my family, um... the one I was born into, not the one I have now...

Pet peeves when it comes to writing/reading?

Writing - inability to get to a computer when the fickle muse hits. Between work and family, my window of opportunity is small and I can't jot things down in a notebook. I can't write that way. And family comes first. Reading - Great concept, poorly written. Such a shame. I can ignore a lot of things, everyone misspells words or constructs an awkward sentence. But consistently, then it reduces the pleasure of reading. I hate when profic writers have their own agenda and use the characters as cardboard cut outs to move around in the framework of their story. Oh, and humiliating the characters ("Phlox handed Jon his dose of Viagra and his newly bleached false teeth -- whiten with Tpol -- the smoker's toothpaste -- before Jon left for shore leave..." - ew.)

Which do you think is your best/fav work in terms of Hoshi fic?

Best: I guess Redemption so far. I really enjoyed writing that one and Hoshi's gone so far in her development. I see her as everywoman. How would you react in these situations? She's not strictly Starfleet and trained for it...I like seeing how she copes. Fav: Lament, something about that first born, warts and all, conceived in innocence and naivete, you know?

How do you take your feedback?

Usually with a diet pepsi and music, wait. Actually, I've gotten nothing but kind comments. It gives me the confidence I need to keep writing. Plus, I take things to heart, if the suggestion is good, and it usually is. That's why I post unbeta'd at MHE for a group beta – not only are they nice, but they're extremely helpful, from suggesting just a word change to pointing out big time errors. And LD gets the benefit from the insights of a talented group of people.

Pick a fav Hoshi fic and tell us why it worked for you. Was it something particular the author did? Was it the subject matter?

This is just a difficult question, considering the caliber of authors here and the number of superb stories. And there's so many different styles that I love. PJ's Rain was the first ENT story I ever read. Made me want to read more and inspired me to write my own. JustVisiting's Discoveries was the first story I read at LD. Beautifully written, original concept, quiet and intense. Paradox's Movie Night made me laugh so hard, her humor was so right on, and her Dark Angel series was a concept that could have been sheer dreck, but turned out to be fascinating and felt authentic. Smurf, nostalgia, Taryn Eve, DINY - all those angsty writers hit the spot for me. Of course there's the goddess of lyricism and beautifully consistent excellence - Xenutia. And LD has introduced many fine newbie posters... when you see a first time writer post something that is just so good, it blows you away. Yeah, you're one of them, Ozchick.

Other advice for fellow writers?

Um...practice? Keep writing, it'll get better.