June 30, 2003
Tell us a little bit about yourself:
Well, I’m a student who tends to procrastinate. I don’t function without coffee. I’ve been categorized as an over-achiever who doesn’t live up to my potential. Whatever that means. Loves theatre and chocolate. I love languages and want to travel. Hopefully, I’ll get to study abroad one day.
How long have you been writing?
Before I even realized fan fiction existed I was changing the endings to shows and movies. So, I guess it’s natural that I found my way here. I think it’s been about a year or two since I first started in this fandom. Other than fanfiction I’ve done stuff for small student papers and such.
Why do you write fan fiction?
I’m still pretty new at it, but I got into it because it’s fun. I suppose it helps me relax. There isn’t the pressure to make sure every aspect works and make every sentence perfect. I can just have fun and let my imagination go. Plus, you aren’t in a workshop setting where people go nuts trying to overanalyze every word. I usually write whenever I have papers due-which is why you’ll see a lot of stories pop-up at the end of semesters. :)
Which character is easiest to write for and which hardest?
I’ve found that Malcolm is the easiest for me. I tend to relate to him. The hardest is probably Archer. I still haven’t figured out how to write a happy medium between the serious captain and the buddy-buddy best friend. I used to struggle with Hoshi and avoided writing her. I’m not an emotional person, so it took a while for me to feel on an even ground with her. I’ve always liked her, but I couldn’t understand her. Now, I think I’m getting close.
If you write ship-fic, tell us why you like that particular ship?
I’ve written many different pairings and have found things about all of them I like. I guess that would be the diplomatic answer, huh? I try not to get crazy about a particular ‘ship’, but lately I’ve been experimenting to find a good fit. In terms of Hoshi, I’ve been focusing mainly on Tucker/Sato now and try my best with that. Although, I’ve also done Reed/Sato in the past as well as others. I suppose I’m a multi-Hoshi-shipper and will go with what I feel fits the story.
What writing weakness do you think you have? How do you go about correcting this?
I think because I consider this a hobby I don’t put all the revision into my stories that they might need. I’ve gone back to fics and been able to pinpoint a paragraph that I could have condensed or an idea I should have clarified. I also have a habit of going off on tangents and taking forever to update. How do I correct this? Probably by having people nag me. ;)
What writing strength do you think you have? How did it come about?
I think my dialogue tends to work. And my imagination is pretty overactive, so that helps me out. The one thing I am happy with is being able to write humor or drama or angst, etc. I think it’s important to stay well rounded in that way. Sometimes I get into a rut and can only write drama or angst, so I try to turn things around by writing a humor ficlet. It helps me focus.
Pet peeves when it comes to writing/reading?
I hate when I miss typos. It drives me crazy. I also dread wrapping stories up. That’s a reason why I procrastinate so much.
As far as reading goes, a clean format is a must. Spaces, paragraph breaks, correct punctuation, etc. I try not to be too critical, especially on new writers.
Which do you think is your best/fav work in terms of Hoshi fic?
I think my best Hoshi fic was “Ragdoll”. It worked on the emotional level I wanted for her and was challenging for me. I really wanted to practice writing Hoshi, so that’s where the idea stemmed from. My favorite fic, however, is either “Unforeseen Attractions” or “Only Time Will Tell”. I got to put Hoshi in the power position in both of them. It fit. And I had a good time at it.
How do you take your feedback?
Constructive feedback can be the best. When I first started, I was making all sorts of stupid mistakes with the Trek names, technology, etc. Thankfully, a nice person politely corrected me. Unfortunately, there will also always be people out there with something rude to say. Most of the rude comments I get tend to revolve around my choice of pairings. It won’t change what I decide to write, so that’s that.
Pick a fav Hoshi fic and tell us why it worked for you. Was it something particular the author did? Was it the subject matter?
This was the hardest question, because I admire so many of the people I’ve met here. So I have a few. “
Link in the Chain” by Ozchick. Paradox’s “Twelve Days” holiday series. CJ and Susan217’s “
Marital Bliss”. There are tons of others, but these just stood out to me because the authors are so consistent. You can always expect a great read from them.
Other advice for fellow writers?
Never lose the fun in this. If it starts to feel like a chore (or job) then take a break. Try not to take yourself too seriously-fan fiction is fiction by fans. Remember that. Don’t be afraid of how people will receive something.