September 10, 2003

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

I’m 25(almost 26), and I live in a small town in Ohio. I’m a student who hopes to graduate this fall with a degree in Human Resources/Business. I have four very ungrateful cats, and a passionate love for all things Bon Jovi.

I’m not traditional Trekkie. I’d rather have a good show than stick with the TOS timeline. I was very into TNG as a kid, saw very little Voyager. Then Scott Bakula popped up on my screen and I was hooked again.

Oh, and I have a small crush on our dear Captain. Very small. Miniscule even.

How long have you been writing?

My first foray into writing was New Kids fan fiction when I was around 11 or 12. I didn’t know what fan fiction was; I just knew I wanted to write a story about them. I had mad Donnie love.

I wrote a few very bed X-Files stories that were never finished, but I knew I wanted to try fan fiction. I’d made a New Years resolution to write some before May. My sister CJ pointed out that I could write Ent fic... the rest is history.

Why do you write fan fiction?

I always wanted to write. This seemed like a great way to start. I like putting the characters in situations we’ll never see on the show, having more personal interactions than we get to see.

Which character is easiest to write for and which hardest?

I’d say Jon or Trip is the easiest. I’m never sure if I’m writing Archer or what I think he should be, but either way, I enjoy writing him. Archer is a pretty go-by-your-gut-feeling kind of person, which I tend to be. Trip is a heart on his sleeve guy. I’m just better with emotional people.

T’Pol is the hardest. I am an overly emotional person and it’s really hard to put myself in a non-emotional person’s shoes.

If you write ship-fic, tell us why you like that particular ship?

I write A/S. Big shock, I know. I love the way Hoshi isn’t afraid of Jon at all. He can growl and bark all he wants to and Hoshi will just roll her eyes. I adore their on screen interactions; they have so much potential as a couple.

What writing weakness do you think you have? How do you go about correcting this?

How long can this be? ;) I’m not patient enough. Sometimes I rush things just to get them done. I have several stories that could use rewrites for that very reason. I am not great at painting a scene without dialogue. My betas usually correct this. They force me to slow down, not rush the story.

Also, grammar.

What writing strength do you think you have? How did it come about?

I think dialogue and humor are my strengths. I also can add darkness to a story fairly easily, although I tend to leave that to my slash writing. (I’ve written several A/Tu fics).

The humor and dialogue come from my own opinion that I’m the funniest person I know. Heh. See? Plus, I talked to myself a lot as a kid and got pretty good at answering. That’s how you do humor dialogue, kids. Become a nutcase like yours truly.

Pet peeves when it comes to writing/reading?

I hate it when I can see a scene so clearly in my own mind, but the message gets tangled on paper.

I don’t like a ton of spelling errors or glaring grammatical errors in my reading. That’s why they invented editors.

Which do you think is your best/fav work in terms of Hoshi fic?

Hands down, Dibs. That story was a blast to write. Plus, I like the idea of a more fun, mischievous side to Hoshi.

How do you take your feedback?

If it’s well thought out criticism, it may hurt at first, but it will help me.

If it’s I like the story, then I take it with a Guinness and a nod to the gods of writing.

Pick a fav Hoshi fic and tell us why it worked for you. Was it something particular the author did? Was it the subject matter?

Ragdoll by Kris is a great story. She can pull you things so seamlessly; it’s an interesting plot, a darker side of the author. Anything by Kris is well worth taking the time to read.

If you are looking for just a fun read, Benefits of Sharing by Matilda7. Matilda is an A/S author who can paint a portrait of a scene like few others can. You can feel it, breathe it, eat it. Plus, it’s just a cute and entertaining fic.

Last, but certainly not least, As I Lay, by Jyyroaku. It is a story that makes me want to tear my hair out from jealousy. With a few words, she manages to capture the characters and the readers.

Other advice for fellow writers?

If it isn't fun, stop. This is a hobby. Write in a new fandom, write original fic, or take a break from writing all together.

Also, don’t over think the story. Some stories would be so much better if the author had just had fun with it instead of pondering its deep meaning.

Guest Question: Who/what inspired you to write your first fan fiction story?

New Kids on the Block and a love for Donnie Wahlberg. ;)

Guest Question: Who/What would you say are your greatest sources of inspiration?

Music. 99% of the time I hear a song on the radio and a line will just click in my brain. I’ll think of a scene and the bunnies start gnawing at my leg…